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Hiring Managers - are you selling yourselves at interviews?

over 3 years ago

Hiring Managers - are you selling yourselves at interviews?

​​Selling yourself at interviews? There’s always a lot of talk about how an interviewee should approach an interview. But how many hiring managers stop to think about how they are performing and tailor the interview according to the role or the person they're meeting? Are you thinking enough about how you come across in an interview? ​

Interview styles

​Good candidates are at a premium in Exeter. If you want the pick of the applicants/interviewees you need to think about your interview style and performance. You need to impress the candidates and sell your company and your role to them as more than likely they’ll be interviewing with other local businesses too. It's important to put them at ease, early on, so they're able to give a true representation of themselves. Ultimately you want all interviewees to have a good experience with you and your company during the recruitment process, to the point where they want to work for you, so that you have the choice of who to hire. ​

First impressions count

​It goes without saying that you and your office should make a good first impression, if you're doing physical interviews. Or the technology your using is slick, if you're interviewing remotely. The interview should start on time and you should be fully prepared, having read the candidate’s CV and prepared some relevant questions of the back of it, or based on a conversation you've had with your recruiter, if you're using one. It's also a good idea to share the format of the interview upfront, so the candidate knows what to expect - for example if it's ok to ask throughout or if there'll be time for those at the end.

​In order to make sure you connect with the candidate you need to know what they’re looking for in their next role. Also what they’d like from their next employer - things you probably won't have been able to pick up from a CV or application. This way you can sell yourself and your company in a relevant way. Your early questioning should be around this and around the other roles that they are interviewing for. If the candidate is looking for a company where they can have a career, you need to be talking about how you train and develop your teams, for example, if you fund qualifications. Also shout about some of the success stories within the business of people who have joined and progressed, with your help, through the ranks. It gives an indication of what the prospects are for the person who takes this role. ​


​If high earnings are important to your interviewee you should be talking about how you reward your team. Give examples of what people within the business are currently earning and what’s possible for a high achiever and when salaries are reviewed. Asking what else they are interviewing for and are excited about gives you information about what’s important to them and what you’re competing against – giving you an opportunity to influence the candidates decision.

​Talk about your growth plans, awards you’ve received or anything exciting that’s happening within the business or anything else that gives you the edge.


​As you close the meeting give a realistic time frame as to when and how you’ll be in touch with regards to feedback and next stages. Regardless of whether you are progressing the applicant to next stage, make sure that you do follow up with timely interview feedback which gives a positive experience, ensuring that your company’s reputation as an employer of choice remains intact.

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