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Some of the most popular company benefits

about 5 years ago

Some of the most popular company benefits

​​Workplace benefits are a fantastic way to encourage individuals to work for your business. We’ve worked with some amazing companies that offer perks not to be missed, which really make organisations stand out above the crowd.

​But, what is it that attracts top talent, and how do we avoid incentives that just aren’t that exciting?

​To help you think about what might make your company attractive to great candidates, we’ve put together some of the best employee perks that we’ve come across. (Spoiler: they don’t have to cost the earth!)

Training and development

​No employee wants to be in a position where they aren’t improving or learning. Training programmes or a budget for each employee to take on a learning opportunity can encourage engagement in their day to day work.

Team socials

​Encourage your employees to enjoy time outside of work together. Team socials and events are a way not only to have downtime, but a chance to help bring employees closer together in their working relationship as they get to know each other.

Health incentives

​It’s important to be involved in the health of your workforce. Many companies offer health plans or healthcare cover, to ensure healthy and happy employees.

​Do you have a health plan in place? How do you monitor the risk of health conditions? Set a vision of where your company would like to be from a health perspective.

Wellbeing focus

​What does your company do to focus on wellbeing and wellness? This is an ever-growing trend amongst organisations worldwide.

​Employee wellbeing is crucial for each and every individual working for your business, so be sure to support both their physical and mental health by encouraging a healthy working environment. You can read a little more here on the ACAS website.

​Several companies also have physical health incentives, encouraging employees to keep fit. One example of this is the couch to 5k, whereby colleagues can get together to start running and work towards that 5k distance. Some offer massage therapies, powerwalking groups and more!

Corporate discounts

​Are you near a great restaurant? Perhaps a gym? It’s certainly worth thinking about whether your employees could benefit from discount offers.

Free food

​We’re a big fan of this one. Free food; what could be better? Several companies offer free meals, whether that’s a free breakfast on a Monday to start your week off, or a monthly staff meal to get everyone together.

​One of our fantastic clients runs a ‘Pizza Friday’ and another has the boss cooking/serving fry ups in the morning – not a bad perk at all!

Remote/flexible working

​With a substantial amount of jobs being carried out via computer or online, more and more companies are offering remote working as an employee perk.

​It isn’t always straight forward for all businesses to do this, but it’s a nice incentive for employees who may have to commute a little further than others.

Birthday day off

​Let’s be honest, working on your birthday isn’t the ideal, so perhaps give your employees the day off to go and celebrate. Just remember to bring cake in the next day (you can’t miss out on cake, right?).

​Candidates look for more than the expected benefits; basic holiday, minimal pension and SSP (statutory sick pay). With the majority of companies, these are all a given. So, it’s important for businesses to go above and beyond to attract truly great talent.

​(Again, it doesn’t have to cost you a huge amount, and you don’t have to be a large corporation to do this).

​Whatever benefits you may offer as a company, it’s important to understand that those benefits become part of how you are seen as a brand, and as a culture.

​Both your employer brand and the company culture you promote can define whether someone walks in the door or not, so think hard about the perks that might give potential candidates a good impression of your company, and as an employee, those that boost morale.

Ready to hire? At Sarah West Recruitment, we are here to help you find the right talent for your business. Let us help you to find the best possible candidates, by contacting us on 01392 873 813 or submitting your vacancy.

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