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Can I “tempt” you with a temp?

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8 months ago

by Emma Broomfield

Can I “tempt” you with a temp?

7 top benefits of temporary recruitment


There are more benefits to using temporary workers than first meets the eye. If you think about it, parachuting in specific talents and experience at a pivotal time, without the locked-in commitment is a great way to boost your business performance. Equally, with costs skyrocketing and more job uncertainties gracing our newsfeeds, why not consider Temporary Recruitment as a hiring solution?

Statistics show an increased requirement in the temporary market since January 2020 with estimated figures of 1.69 million temporary workers across the UK in November 2022 alone. A lot of these candidates are extremely specialised and talented individuals, ready to embark on a short-term opportunity to support your business growth.

Here are 7 top temp benefits to boost your business performance.

1. Scale up & down

Temporary workers allow you to flex to your business demand with no employment contractual commitment. You can handle last-minute fluctuations in general workload, seasonality lifts, or a specific project. The ability to cover periods of staff absence or holiday at the drop of a hat. When the need is no longer, you’re free to cancel the requirement at a reasonable short notice.

 2. Is there a need or not?

If you feel there is a requirement for additional team members but need to get the ‘lay of the land’ you can use temporary candidates to give you a better understanding of the workload requirement. A sort of ‘try before you buy’ approach.

 3. Controlling costs

A temporary worker allows you to scale the team without increasing your permanent headcount and associated costs such as payroll processing for example. Conversely, when your workload decreases, you can exercise a short notice and the cost disappears! – all of this keeps the accountant very happy and the business cogs moving!

 4. Try before you Hire

Temp to Perm recruitment is a fantastic way to understand if this candidate is going to be a good fit for your team, experience and culture-wise – Remember this works both ways! Think of it like a protracted ‘working interview’. Hiring can be a costly game and you don’t want to make the wrong decision. Although be prepared to pay at least the 12-week placement or a one-off agreed fee to secure that candidate as one of your own.

 5. Instant fix

A good recruitment agency such as SWR will have a pool of skilled candidates ready to work. Temporary workers often come with no notice period and can join the team, as early as the following day. Making this a quick solution to those unforeseen hiring dilemmas.

 6. Bring in fresh skills

Don’t be fooled, Temporary workers are just as skilled as their fellow permanent counterparts. A lot of the candidates looking for temporary work are normally specialists within their field and extremely knowledgeable, giving you an instant infusion of talent in your organisation. Seasoned tempers are versed in getting up to speed in different business environments quickly and often need less handholding than a permanent hire – certainly in the short term. They can also bring a new perspective to processes and policies, helping to make improvements with lasting effects.

 7. Discover future leaders

Over a third of managers started out as a temp – so your new temp could be your next crucial team member. Everyone has potential.

At Sarah West Recruitment, we will not only match you with the perfect temporary resource but will take the pain out of payroll, as well as take care of holiday pay, pension and all the essential tax contributions leaving you to get on running your business.

 It’s a no-brainer, right?

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