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Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome?

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over 1 year ago

by Emma Broomfield

Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome?

I know I have…

Imposter Syndrome is a widespread phenomenon among job seekers, particularly those who are just entering the job market. It can generate significant anxiety and self-questioning, which can hinder their ability to excel during the job search and interview phase. This is precisely where a recruitment specialist, such as myself, can make a real difference.

Did you know there are 5 different types of imposter syndrome, can you relate to any of these?

#1: The Expert.

You may not like to be called the expert as it might make you feel like you need to have all the answers and you feel the pressure to live up to such a high standard. You might be called the subject matter expert in a certain field, or the go-to person in a particular project. You are asked a question and you don't have the answer, you feel like a fraud or feel shame. You find yourself reading more books, taking more courses, and getting more certificates. You hold yourself back from going for promotions because you never feel qualified enough.

#2: The Super Woman/Man.

You push yourself to work harder and overdo it to measure up to colleagues and peers. You are an over-achiever. You might be a workaholic and addicted to the validation that comes with working rather than the work itself. You might work longer hours than everyone else in order to compensate for your fraudulent feelings. You might feel restless or find it hard to switch off when you are not at work. 

#3: The Perfectionist.

You might find it hard to accept making mistakes. You might have extraordinarily high standards for yourself and for others. If you make a mistake, you feel like a fraud. In order to not feel like a fraud, you might find yourself engaging in over-planning, over-preparing, and beating yourself up inside over-thinking.

#4: The Soloist.

As a Soloist, you might be someone who doesn’t want to ask for help. You might be afraid to ask any questions and want to do everything yourself. This is because you think asking for help means you are a fraud. You might find it difficult to trust that others are as competent as you or feel threatened if you share the win with others. If you do accept help, or up-level through guidance, you question your competence. Even though you know there are other experts in certain areas, you try to do your own research.

#5: The Natural Genius.

This is similar to the perfectionist. You might not just focus on getting a task done perfectly, but you want to know all the facts and information. If you don’t know everything you get really frustrated with yourself. You might have started in a new job that is extremely technical and you are not so technical. You are frustrated at how long it is taking you to grasp the information. You might start avoiding situations like meetings or managers until you feel you know it all. This is because your self-worth was based on being a natural genius. 

I think everyone suffers from a bit of Imposter Syndrome in their life at some point, does that really mean you are not exceptional, absolutely not.

What can a Recruiter do to help?

Job seekers with Imposter Syndrome will doubt their abilities and feel like they may not belong in their career level or have the ability to take the next step. They may feel like their qualifications and experience won't be enough to get them the job and underplay their abilities. They may also feel like they’re inadequate compared to other applicants, leading to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity.

The way in which we handle the registration process enables us to identify if a candidate has imposter syndrome extremely well. We spend the time to listen to you, understand your experience and will explore past successes and challenges. This will give us the ability to learn all your strengths, build your confidence and install a level of positivity in your abilities. In other words, unlock all your potential.

What you could be missing out on

Imposter Syndrome could stop you from reaching that full potential and cause you to avoid taking risks, promotions, and proactively searching for the next career step. You may be afraid to apply for a job that you feel is beyond your qualifications or to reach out to potential new employers.

Again, I can help and prepare you before the interviews. Approach those clients on your behalf and promote you as the best possible candidate for this position. I can open up those opportunities that you would not have opened up for yourself.

So, let’s kick imposter syndrome into touch, accept and identify that you deserve success, take the leap, and reach greatness together!

 If you want to have a chat about your next move, need a boost of confidence, or just some clarity, give us a call - At SWR we're always happy to chat.




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