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Interview nerves and how to combat them

almost 5 years ago

Interview nerves and how to combat them

​​You’ve only gone and got yourself an interview! You give yourself a high five and get that rush of excitement. You’ve stood out from the crowd, you’re what they’re looking for and you’re one step away from getting the job. Go you!

​And then it sinks in. You’ve actually got to go to the interview. This is your one chance to shine and show them what you’re made of and those nagging doubts start to creep in. What questions will they ask? Am I really what they’re looking for? How am I going to get them to pick me?

​First thing’s first – you’re not alone. It’s perfectly normal to have those butterflies but what can you do to stop those nagging doubts? Here are our top tips.

Do your research

​You probably already know something about the organisation but now it’s time to really do your homework. Company websites and their social media are a great place to start. If you can drop relevant snippets in, about what you've learned, during your interview, it'll show that you've made a real effort.

Understand the role

​Read, read and re-read the job description. Know exactly what the role will involve and go prepared with examples of how your skills and experience match what they’re looking for.

Have some questions

​Chances are you’ll get asked if you have any questions about the role or the company, so have a handful ready that show you’ve done your research.

Know how to get there

​It might sound obvious but plan how you’re going to get to the interview – having a ‘dress rehearsal’ before the day can help.

Make a good impression

​Choose what you’re going to wear that’s going to make the right first impression. You can’t go wrong being smartly dressed.

Use your recruiter

​If an agency’s put you forward, give them a call. They’ll know exactly what the company’s looking for and can give you some useful hints and tips too.


​It might be very tempting to reach for a large glass of something the night before but do what you’d normally do to relax. And get an early night. On the day do some relaxation techniques that are great for helping steady any last-minute nerves.

And finally

​Remember that interviewers are there to get the best from you and have been in exactly the same situation!

Now. Take a deep breath, you’ve done your prep and go in with a smile on your face. You’ve got this.

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